Part of Gas Bottles Direct, the new Rent Free Gas Cylinders website needed to be linked to the clients new POS in-house system.

about rent free gas cylinders

Rent Free Gas Cylinders are a new subsidiary of Gas Bottles Direct, the leading Calor Gas Bottle supplier in the south of England, UK. They are a Calor Gas Main dealer with a fleet of vehicles delivering bottled gas, coal and logs across East and West Sussex.

Visit the Rent Free Gas Cylinders website
Rent Free Gas Cylinders Home Page Image

A brand new company within an established brand…

3B’s Studio have been responsible for the creation of all Gas Bottles Direct’s corporate branding since 2009 when they were first established. So it was only logical that with the creation of a new subsidiary, Rent Free Gas Cylinders, that 3B’s Studio took the lead in the creation of this new arm of the business.

Rent Free Gas Cylinders was established because of a brand new in-house POS system that the client had installed and was to be the first site linked to this system. Changing the way of working, this system meant the client could update products automatically and receive web orders directly into their in-house system – automating the whole process and streamlining their business operations.

For this to happen, a new Wordpress website had to be created with extra API programming incorporated to make sure the POS system could talk to the website, and vice versa.

Rent Free Gas Cylinders work has included:

  • Logo Design
  • Wordpress website design
  • APi integration
  • Custom programming
  • Custom Plugin creation
  • SEO Optimisation
  • VPS Hosting
  • Social Media set up/artwork

As well as website design, APi integration was also required:

“3B’s Studio have been helping Gas Bottles Direct with all of our day-to-day advertising, websites and printing needs, ever since we started in the mid-nineties. So they were on-board at the very beginning of our progression to a new EPOS system to streamline our office environment.It's been a long journey customising the two systems to talk to each other, not helped by our sometimes frustrating exacting standards of how we want it to work, but the results speak for themselves and we are overjoyed at the look and feel of the new product and how it integrates into our business.”

Phil Holland-Skinner – Chief Executive, Rent Free Gas Cylinders

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